Product15 Oct 2024

How Semilattice helps grow user knowledge across the customer journey

Semilattice lets you rapidly answer emerging user & market questions as your audience evolves through awareness, consideration, purchase, and usage stages.
Picture of Joseph Wright
Joseph WrightCo-Founder, Product & Engineering
Semilattice lets you create AI models of your audiences which answer questions like they do in seconds. By reducing the time and cost of user and market research to near-zero, it lets you rapidly generate new knowledge to inform every decision about the customer experience.
TicketMind is a made-up startup which builds a ticket management system for developers. Let’s see how they use Semilattice to answer new research questions as their audience evolves through the awareness, consideration, purchase, and usage stages of the customer journey.

Awareness: explore your market

You can model and predict any audience with Semilattice, up to and including the whole market. TicketMind are thinking about adding some new AI-based features to their product, so they want to understand how developers think about the ticket management space. They use Semilattice’s public Developer audience models to ask questions around brand awareness, market trends, competitor perceptions, pain points with existing solutions, and industry-specific needs.

Consideration: understand your target audience

Semilattice lets you create custom audience models for specific research purposes by uploading a small sample of survey data. TicketMind are now deciding on the target use cases for their new AI Ticket Agent feature, so they’re trying to understand what their target audience might want and how they’ll evaluate it. They’re targeting their core product’s Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and have some survey data on the audience from a past research project. That survey didn’t ask any of the questions they now have, so they create a custom audience model for the ICPs in Semilattice to ask new questions around jobs to be done, evaluation criteria, pricing sensitivity, integration requirements, competitive positioning, and messaging.

Purchase: analyse your early adopters

You can iterate and refine your audience models in Semilattice by uploading different data. TicketMind have noticed that Product Managers are most likely to be interested in their AI Ticket Agent feature. They filter the ICP survey data so it just includes Product Managers and create a new audience model in Semilattice to explore their purchase considerations: potential barriers, free trial requirements, pricing model preferences, and ROI expectations.

Usage: develop your customers

With a handful of customers using their AI Ticket Agent feature, TicketMind are now thinking about further improvements. Continuing with the Product Managers audience, they ask questions around feature prioritisation, use case requirements, user journey mapping, and customisation requirements.

Conclusion: new knowledge in seconds

Semilattice generates answers in less than 90 seconds. At every stage of the customer journey, and for an evolving target audience, TicketMind generated new user and market knowledge in seconds, reducing decision uncertainty without delaying execution.
Try For Free
You can also create private, custom models for any segment of your user base or market, such as your power users, 30 day actives, or ICPs in a new vertical with Semilattice Pro. Schedule a call to talk to us.